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Animation by: Ash Courneyea & Kier Harries
Explore the wonderful world of whales! Explore the different types of modern whales, from baleen to toothed, Kier and Ash take us into the deep to get a closer look at these mysterious creatures.
Follow Kier at: @koseligkier on Instagram or at their website: https://koseligkiersite.carrd.co/
Follow Ash at: @clowngem on Instagram or at their website: https://clowngem.com/
Animation by: Harper Bezaire
Learn about the different bite forces of living creatures today compared to the mighty T.rex. Who has the baddest bite of them all? Chomp, chomp, let’s find out!
Support Harper at their website: https://www.harperbezaire.com/
Animation by: Matthew Miller
Enjoy this dramatic animation which shows the full lifecycle of the fierce T.rex! Watch how T.rex crawls out of its little egg, learns how to hunt, and eventually becomes the fiercest predator in history!
Support Matthew on his website: https://nbdbreakaway.wixsite.com/graysnakeanimation